Friday, July 13, 2007

Doneness vs Ongoing Conversation

An interesting post by David Warlick School 2.0 is a lot of Things + Conversation poses the question of "doneness" or project completion in schools versus lifelong, ongoing, continuing conversation type learning. I have been struggling with this concept since I got swamped with all this Web 2.0 business this spring. It seems to be a struggle that I can best deal with through balance; using the tools of web or school 2.0 to inspire true learning and literacy but meeting the requirements of grades and completeness. In a way, the struggle is not new-- weren't we also trying to achieve the same balance in our own educations? It is just now the tools are so much more powerful than a pencil and a Big Chief tablet. I know the end result is not just a podcast or a blog or a comic book but the ongoing challenge and experience and opportunity for inspiration to a student. But like life, there are beginnings, and middles, and ends to mark even things that are ongoing.

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