Sunday, June 3, 2007

Technology Successes this past school year

Self evaluation is a positive tool for seeing where you are and where you are going. So here is how I stand:

Technology Successes for school year 2006-2007
1. 1-1 laptop environment for all classes (American History, World History, and World Geography)
2. completion of two major projects per class including WWI comic books in American History and Digital Memory Books for a historical novel in World History
3. online testing via for World Geography and at least three tests each for other two classes as well as using to check for plagiarism in writing
4. beginning of web 2.0 journey by reading several key books such as The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts by Will Richardson, and Classroom Blogging by David F. Warlick
5. starting this blog and trying to feel more confident in writing more assertively
6. agreeing to write a new grant for high school to incorporate blogging, wikis, and podcasting into teaching
7. trying to learn more about Google Earth and Google maps and how to use them in the classroom particularly for projects
8. attending the NECC convention Georgia this summer
9. trying to push the edge of the envelope by learning technology skills such as taking an online class about Microsoft Word and using a lot of new web 2.0 sites I read about

Things I really need to accomplish to get to the next rung on the technology ladder:
1. include more web 2.0 aspects into my teaching and revamp projects to include these; that will entail discarding some of the things I have done in the past and incorporating new ideas
2. incorporate more online testing into each subject and to continue using
3. continue to personally blog and start commenting on ideas brought forth by other bloggers and perhaps commenting on their blogs
4. do a podcast this next school year using that VFW essay contest
5. attempt to do a project using a wiki
6. learn enough about Google Earth and Google maps to do projects in World Geography using these
7. write the grant well enough to get the funding
8. continue to learn how to use flickr, bloglines, and other tools to stay abreast with emerging technologies

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