Sunday, April 29, 2007

Considering myself tagged.....

I was just reading in the blog of a young teacher who is very tech savvy the reasons he blogs and said the reader could consider themselves tagged. So, I will ponder the reasons I have begun blogging.

1. This is cutting edge educational technology and as an older teacher trying to keep up with educational trends,I want to be in the mix. I use technology in my classroom quite effectively I thought until I discovered the world had passed my by and the Read/Write web was in existence. So, I am trying to go up the next rung in the ladder and see if I can do it. Most of the edubloggers that I have been reading so far seem to be fairly young and are most probably children of technology themselves. I just hope I can keep up.

2. I do like to write and this is a forum for putting one's thoughts in order. It is a space to communticate to the world what one is thinking or wanting to learn.

3. I feel I have been able to network with people who do want to use technology in their classrooms; not everyone does yet in my physical world and it is good to know there is a lot of dynamic stuff going on out there.

4. Reading student blogs I see the power of writing and connecting to the world and I want my students to experience that. So, I need to practice blogging myself to get the swing of it before I can expect my students to be able to engage in effective connective writing.

5. This is fun in a way; I hope to develop into someone with a real voice. As of now, I feel somewhat tentative and lacking in something of value to share with the rest of the world.

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